Sunday, October 18, 2009

The barriers have opened...and they are off.. Iron Fist by a nose.

So can you guess where I have been.... We are in the middle of the horse racing season and Sunday was Ladies day at the Sha Tin racecourse. We were invited to join a group of people in a box with all food and drink supplied. Not a bad way to enjoy our first horse race in Hong Kong. The Chinese love to gamble but there are no Casinos in Hong Kong, so horse racing is really big. Over 80,000 people turned up to this race but being in a box, the crowds did not bother us. We enjoyed a lovely lunch inside airconditioned comfort then headed out on the balcony to view each of the races that were run in half hour intervals. That gave us plenty of time to decide on the better horse for a light flutter and to enjoy each course of food.

We started our days betting following a system that a colleague of Richard's insisted was the only sure way to win. This failing dismally, after the third race we changed our strategy to a more successful one of choosing the winner based on the name of the horse and the colour of the silks that jockey was wearing!! Suddenly there was much excitement as our horses continued to pound down the final stretch in the lead. By the end of the day we had lost somewhat more than we had won but as much of it goes to charity, we didn't really mind and besides we bet such small amounts that the bookies laughed at us. Later we read that HK$958 million had been made on the day, that is over US$123 million or Aus$134 million or S/352 million (Peruvian Soles). For one day's taking, that is a lot of money in anyones language. Both the racecourses in Hong Kong are actually owned by the government and as previously mentioned much of the money that is made goes towards some charitable cause or another. After just nine race meets this season, the government has apparently earnt over HK$1.2 billion (US$15,000,000,000 Aus $16,000,000,000 S/44,000,000,000) quite a nice little investment wouldn't you say. (The photo right is of Richard with his bookie and his first winning ticket!)

Midway through the afternoon, a nice man came and offered to show us around the racecourse. We went down to the pre race parade area where all the owners with their wives and daughters - sporting large concoctions on their head made from some poor bird, or three or four, - were proudly admiring their horses. This was also where the winners came at the end to receive their cups. Then we went into the members section of the track to watch a race conclude, standing right at the fence in front of the finishing post. The thunder of hooves coming down the straight, the screams of encouragement, the ease with which the horse and rider became one, the beauty of the horses, with each stride the movement of muscle clearly visible working beneath their glistening hide, this really is the King of sports.

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