Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hot, Hot, Hot....

Today the clouds are beginning to part and the sun has actually poked its head out to greet me. No rain so far, such a change from the constant downpour of the past 4 days. I was really beginning to wonder if it was every going to stop raining. Now I am curious to see how quickly washing dries. Oh how I do miss an out door area to dry clothes where they catch the gentle breeze and come in all smelling of sunshine (at least that is what happens in Australia..) I now know where the term "looking like a Chinese Laundry"comes from. Everyone hangs their clothes to dry out their apartment windows. I am so worried that they will fall and float down the 34 floors to never be seen again. And who wants my undies fluttering around their head. But with the sun shining I am about to attempt to do the Chinese thing, and hang some things out the window on the outside clothesline. This means opening a window right up and hanging half out 34 floor up to reach the clothes line! I never thought I would be doing this, but here goes..... I did it!!

Horns from the ships pulsate up to the apartment drawing me to the window to watch the scene below. I do not believe you can ever tire of watching the harbour life. From the living room I can see down onto the harbour, out to sea, a couple of estates on the left of the main Island and then nothing but mountains and trees. It is hard to believe that you are actually in one of the most densely populated areas in the world. Everyday container ships make their way past... could that be our shipping arriving? I could easily become the nautical equivalent of a train spotter.

It is now 10pm at night and the temperature is still a sweltering 31 degrees Celsius. I feel like I am wrapped in a hot wet blanket, it is so hard to get your core body temperature down as it is so humid that sweating offers no reprieve. At the moment the temperature only varies a few degrees from lows of 27 to 28 degrees to highs of 33 to 34 degrees. Unlike the locals I still look very much like the import, constantly sweating and flustered looking with hair that refuses to be tamed no matter how much product and hot implements are applied. I imagine that one day I will blend in, one day surely my body will get use to this weather and I will begin to look cool, calm and collected like so many others appear to. The heat, humidity, and the scent of incense rising on the breeze from someone's apartment below leave me in no doubt that I now live in Asia.

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